Glasnevin Bridge Club

Section7 of 11

Section 7. Elections

Rule 35. The President shall be elected at the AGM and the Executive Committee shall, prior to each Annual General Meeting, appoint a Nominating Committee to ensure that there is at least one candidate for each vacancy for which an election is being held and secure each candidate’s consent to his/her nomination.

Rule 36. Further nominations shall be in writing signed by the proposer and seconder, who shall be paid up members of GBC, and also signed by the nominee so as to indicate his/her consent, and shall be sent by hand or by post so as to reach the Secretary at least two days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. All such nominees shall be paid up members of GBC and be at least twenty one years of age.

Rule 37. When nominations are announced tellers shall be appointed by the President and ballot papers shall be distributed. Nominations shall be in the following order:
(a) Nominations for the Executive Committee.
(b) Nominations for Auditor.
When voting is completed the votes shall be taken and tallied by the tellers. Any ballot paper which contains votes for more than the number required to be elected shall be void. All elections shall be by majority vote. When the votes have been counted by the tellers the results shall be announced by the President. In the event that all vacancies are not filled by the first ballot further ballots shall be taken as required.

Rule 38. Each member shall have one vote only.

Rule 39. A motion by a single resolution for the election or appointment of two or more persons to the Executive Committee of GBC shall not be made at any general meeting thereof.