Glasnevin Bridge Club

Puppet Stayman

This is designed to find a 5-3 major fit after a balanced opening. In principle, it can be played over a 1NT opening but the benefits are marginal and the cost is high in that it gives away a lot of information and also deprives us of the 3C slam hunting bid. So in this system, Puppet Stayman is played only after 2NT and higher balanced opening sequences i.e. 2D-2H/S-2NT or 2C-2D-2NT and over genuine (as opposed to unusual) 2NT overcalls (i.e. in the balancing position).

Responder, who
must have game going points, initiates the sequence by bidding 3C over openers 2NT (or higher sequence). Responder is in effect saying to opener do you have a 5 or 4 card mayor(s)?
  • Opener with a 5 card major bids it.
  • Opener with one or both 4 card majors bids 3D.
  • Opener with neither a 5 or 4 card major signs off in 3NT.
  • Responder with only a 3 card major either bids game in it if partner has shown 5 of his suit or else sign off in 3NT.
  • Responder with a 4 card major, on hearing partner bid 3D, bids the major he has not got at the 3 level, allowing partner to bid game in the real major and right siding the contract.
  • Responder with both 4 card majors and no slam interest, on hearing his partner bid 3D, bids 4D and lets opener pick his game.
  • Responder with both 4 card majors and slam interest, on hearing partner bid 3D, bids 4C.

This is all lovely but remember that the partnership is painting a pretty vivid picture of its card distribution and in the process, may provide information which will allow competent opponents to find a killing defense they might otherwise have missed - so be careful.

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